The official web site of GuppY.
The GuppY help center
GuppYLand, the welcoming land for the resources of your GuppY
GuppY - Education, a site to promote GuppY in teaching.
asso freeGuppY, the site of the association of GuppY users
The personal web site of the creator of GuppY.
Wamp is an installation package of an apache web server, of the PHP scripting language and of MySQL database (which is not needed for GuppY) for your PC running the Windows operating system.
CEA, CNRS and INRIA, three French public research organisations, released CeCILL in july 2004. CeCILL is the first license defining the principles of use and dissemination of Free Software in conformance with French law, following the principles of the GNU GPL license.
CeCILL is also perfectly suited to international projects.
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