GuppY 5.03.00

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Site layout

Templates, skins

Templates possibilities have actually been really improved in this version5.03.XX. Full customisation is possible depending on how well you can deal with cascading style sheets (CSS.

Some more useful information :

The different configuration sections of the layout of your site have been gathered in an admin/Configurations area.

The first icon, Themes Config , allows to specify the general designs of the site (default skin, smileys, avatars et general design theme) and themes specific to the selected skin (icons, counters).

The new version of Config look allows you to create a skin, modify colors and graphics of the current skin or any other standard skin!
Don't forget to click on Save configuration to automatically generate the css style sheet.
It is a "generic" style sheet that you can totally customize by adding your customizations in the styleplus.css with style config. The file styleplus.css is automatically loaded to display your personal changes.

Do not make manual corrections in the style.css file, remember that they will be lost if you regenerate the style again by the automatic procedure. You must reserve your manual corrections to the styleplus file to keep them even if you generate the style.css again. It may be necessary to refresh the page to see the result.

Please refer to the tutorial for using Config Look, available on this link.

If you want to use the no_skin, you will first have to make a copy of the no_skin and name it with the name of your choice.
Then you can change the colors and graphics as for the no_skin.

This modification has been made to keep the no_skin in its original state so that it will be displayed in case of a crash of an added skin.
If your changes are not saved, this indicates that you need to modify the rights (chmod) for and for style sheets

The administration page is completely independent and is not managed by skins in the skins directory.

Creation date : 20/05/2019 16:03
Last update : 20/05/2019 16:03
Category : GuppY
Page read 93020 times

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