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Technical notices

Running Guppy means that your browser can manage style sheets CSS and HTML language in version 5 .

GuppY shows smoothly with FireFox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, Edge all recent browsers.

It has been tested with these browsers, but your feedback with other borwsers will be welcome.

- Files upload

Some hosters restrain the upload function HTTP. Function "Files" in admin will then be restrained, say at 2Mo. In that case, your favourite FTP (File Transfer Protocol) software will do the job.

- Content sharing between sites in RSS format

Some web hosts limit the PHP include() function to access only internal files, not files from another website.
In that case, the news sharing module between sites in RSS format will not work.

- How to access the mobile version of GuppY ?

If your site is accessed this way: (for example), then the mobile version (which is a lightened version of GuppY aimed for smartphone users and blind people) is easily and automatically accessed this way: Just put a link in your web site for telling your mobile visitors how to access it.


Creation date : 20/05/2019 12:08
Category : Introduction - GuppY
Page read 76142 times